Islamophobia affects 7 out of 10 Muslims in the UK

 London: It has been revealed that 7 out of 10 Muslims in the UK are affected by Islamophobia.

According to the details, the results of a survey by Hyphen revealed that 7 out of 10 Muslims living in the UK are suffering from Islamophobic attitudes.

A total of 1,503 Muslims, including 700 youth between the ages of 18 and 24, were surveyed by a website called Hyphen, which focuses on Muslim-related topics in England and European countries, from April 22 to May 10.

The survey collected data on Islamophobic attitudes faced by Muslims in business places and offices and their role in society.

The data showed that in the office and business environment, Muslims face more than 44% Islamophobic attitudes when interacting with outsiders or outsiders.

The survey found that 42% of Muslims in the workplace face Islamophobic attitudes towards social activities and 40% during promotions.

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