Ukraine's withdrawal from NATO, the United States rejected Russia's demand

The United States has rejected Russia's demand for Ukraine's withdrawal from NATO, warning that Russia could launch an attack on its neighbor at any time.

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation, Secretary of State Anthony Blanken said: "We are offering Russia a diplomatic solution to the problem if Russia wants to accept it."

In response to the Secretary of State, a Russian minister said that his country was considering the statement he had made with NATO.

Russia has also issued a written list of its concerns over the expansion of the NATO military alliance and related security issues, urging NATO to rule out the possibility of Ukraine and others joining the alliance.

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In recent weeks, Russia has also deployed large numbers of troops along Ukraine's border, which Western countries have seen as a prelude to a possible attack, but Russia has ruled out the possibility.

Secretary of State Anthony Blankenship says the United States has made clear in its response basic principles, including Ukraine's sovereignty and the right to join a security alliance such as NATO.

Read More : Russian troops attacking Ukraine will not be able to return home, says British PM.

"When it comes to diplomacy, there should be no doubt about the seriousness of our intentions, and we must work together to strengthen Ukraine's defense and develop a quick united response to further Russian aggression," he said. Are working together.

"It's up to Russia to decide, and we're ready in any way we can," he said.

The Secretary of State said the United States had sent three shipments of military aid this week, including javelin missiles and anti-armor weapons, hundreds of tons of ammunition and equipment.

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