The National Command and Operations Center has issued guidelines for all kinds of religious and political gatherings and sports events across the country, banning public gatherings in the affected areas, with over 500 people attending indoor and outdoor events. And the duration of the ceremony shall not exceed three hours.
According to a private channel, the National Command and Center has issued SOPs for all kinds of gatherings and sports activities across the country. Health guidelines are designed to prevent the spread of corona. The NCOC says that public gatherings should be avoided. Cultural, religious and political gatherings fall into the category of public gatherings. Public gatherings include indoor and outdoor, while public gatherings will be banned in cities where the rate of corona increases. According to the NCOC, a maximum of 500 people will be allowed to attend the indoor event. The duration of the ceremony shall not exceed three hours, in which all the participants will sit on the chairs placed at the appropriate decision and no one will stand, the distance between the chairs will be three feet. Social distance will also be maintained in the outdoor event. The duration of the outdoor event will not be more than three hours. Rallies and walks in the streets should be avoided.
According to the NCOC statement, children and the elderly will be discouraged from attending the event, people with corona and respiratory symptoms will not be allowed to attend the event, high blood pressure and heart disease. Affected people should not attend public gatherings. Shaking hands, hugging and eating should be avoided at the gathering, anti-corona boards will also be set up at the gatherings for public awareness, organizers will be responsible for implementing SOPs.