Why the film "BAT MAN" Is stopped.


Batman star Robert Pattinson's Corona virus test has been confirmed, sources confirmed on Thursday.

Earlier, it was revealed that one of the film's crew members had contracted the corona virus, but insiders later confirmed that the person who contracted the virus was none other than Pattinson himself.

Talking to media, the sources said that the entertainment company Warner Bros. has been very lenient with regard to this situation, however, when the British actor took his test, he came back positive.

Earlier, it was reported that Warner Bros. had stopped production of Batman due to the current situation.

The company had told the media that a Corona test of a member of the Batman crew had tested positive and that the production of the film had been temporarily suspended in accordance with the isolation procedure.

Remember that Batman is to be released in October 2012, but due to this situation, the latest hurdle has arisen in the making of the film.

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