Toxic parcel arrives at White House, suspect arrested


A woman suspected of sending a poisoned letter to US President Donald Trump has been arrested at the Canadian border. The deadly poison, named Raison, was sent to the White House in envelopes.

According to the details, the US authorities have confiscated the envelope of the letter filled with poisonous material which was sent to the address of the White House for President Donald Trump.

According to the American newspaper, the envelopes that came to the White House earlier this week were examined during the sorting of the packets coming to the White House.

Investigations have revealed the presence of a poison called raisin in the envelope. Investigators are trying to find out if more such envelopes have been sent.

Border guards arrested a woman as she tried to enter the United States from Canada. He allegedly sent a poisoned letter called resin to US President Donald Trump at the White House.

According to US media reports, the woman was trying to enter the United States from Canada via New York when she was detained by US Customs and Border Protection Force officers.

Law enforcement officials told the news agency that the woman would be prosecuted under US law, with the FBI's initial investigation confirming the toxic content.

It is worth noting that resin is a highly lethal substance extracted from castor beans, which even a small amount of sniffing can disable the body's organs. 

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