China: Growing vertical gardens on buildings is expensive, what happened?


Growing vertical vegetation on residential buildings has proved costly in China to eliminate air pollution, with mosquitoes encamping in apartments.

According to a report by a foreign news agency, an attempt was made to plant vertical forest in residential buildings in the Chinese province of Chengdu, for which a 'City Forest Garden Complex' was set up.

The effort was successful, but it soon turned into a nightmare, as the building became a haven for mosquitoes instead of looking beautiful, with bushes and twigs hanging around the balconies.

The project was launched in the year 2018. Since the completion of the project till April this year, all its 826 units have been sold. Can keep

But unfortunately due to not taking care of mosquitoes and vegetables, citizens are avoiding living in the building, so far only 10 families have taken up residence in these buildings.

While almost all its complexes are empty. In view of this situation, the concept of vertical forest is also dying, because in addition to the above-mentioned apartments, many other buildings have been constructed in the same way.

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