Pakistan is a peace loving country. If war is imposed on us, we will respond really hard, General Bajwa

Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa has said that he wants to send a message to the world that Pakistan is a peace loving country. If war is imposed on us, we will respond with bricks and stones. The brick answered with a stone.

Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa while addressing the function on the occasion of Pakistan Defense Day said that September 6 is the eternal day of our history, September 6 was the eternal story of bravery, we defeated the enemy many times yesterday, we today Are also ready to defeat the enemy.

General Qamar Javed Bajwa said that I salute the family of martyrs, we will never forget the sacrifices of martyrs, martyrs are our heroes, nations who forget their heroes are wiped out, salute your spirit of selflessness. I assure you, we are and will be with you, this day is also celebrated in memory of the martyrs against Kargil and terrorism.

The Army Chief said, "I congratulate the recipients of the awards. You have proved your professionalism in the line of duty. We are all proud of you. The medals you have received are a source of pride for all of us." We have achieved the freedom that is the identity of our country today, freedom and security of the homeland is our goal, the professionalism of the Pakistan Army has been recognized by the whole world, love for the Pakistani nation is part of our faith, no enemy is our Love cannot be defeated, the love of the Pakistani nation for the Pak forces is eternal, the confidence of the nation is unshakable, I salute the sentiments of the nation.

Also read: The purpose of the Fifth Generation War is to spread discord by defaming the country and the armed forces of Pakistan. COAS

The Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army said that the state of war on the eastern and western borders is facing war, earthquakes and floods. The enemy is becoming a web of conspiracies against us. India has always adopted an irresponsible attitude. The special status of illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir has been abolished. Peace in the region is once again in jeopardy after India's illegal move.

General Bajwa said that there is no doubt that Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally recognized issue, we do not accept any unilateral decision regarding occupied Kashmir, the founder of Pakistan declared Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir as the lifeblood of Pakistan Every word of Pakistan's statement is part of our faith, we will not show any flexibility in this regard.

The Army Chief said that we cannot be intimidated by the stockpile of newly acquired weapons, no threat can affect us, Pakistan Armed Forces are fully equipped, vigilant and aware, ready to respond to any move of the enemy, Pakistan It is a living reality. I want to send a message to the world that Pakistan is a peace loving country. If war is imposed on us, we will respond with bricks and stones. Whenever we are tested, we are red-faced. We responded very hard on the failed attack of Balakot.

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