Why is the modern telemedicine system of Pakistani Americans succeeding in the world?


Imagine a pregnant woman from a poor family coming to a local hospital in the Thar Desert and her condition is getting worse every minute and the doctors there have responded and advised her to go to a big hospital in the city. But with financial hardship and deteriorating health, how can this pregnant woman be taken to a hospital miles away?

Such ideas make hair stand on end, but in this article we will talk about a facility that makes it possible for emergency patients in remote areas to have timely and access to top doctors.

What is this modern system and how does it work?

You may know that telehealth is gaining momentum in the current Corona virus crisis, but very few people know that this concept existed in developed countries before the global epidemic. The modern technology we are going to talk about is also an innovative and extraordinary step in the field of telehealth.

The story of this modern telehealth system is that 2 Pakistani-American doctors through their company called VMed, established in 2016, have introduced a system of telemedicine that can screen all such patients in just 5 minutes. Makes it possible to contact doctors who need immediate treatment.

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