New Zealand general election delayed by 30 new corona cases.


New Zealand became the first country in the world to take control of Corona soon due to its effective strategy, and in June the government lifted all sanctions imposed on Corona.

New Zealand had adopted an effective strategy after the Corona cases came to light in March and there were fewer cases than many other countries in the region.

New Zealand also held special celebrations on August 9 to mark the 100th anniversary of Corona's defeat, but a new wave of Corona followed.

Read more: New wave of Corona cases in New Zealand, lockdown in Auckland.

New cases came to light in New Zealand on August 10, the day after Corona's 100th anniversary, and the government imposed a lockdown on August 11 in Auckland, the largest city, by the end of this month.

According to the news agency Reuters, in view of the new wave of corona virus in New Zealand, the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern postponed the general election on September 19 for a month.

Jacinda Ardern confirmed the postponement during a press conference on August 17 and said that the general election would now be held on October 17.

Read more: Corona began to rise again in Europe.

According to New Zealand's election laws, the general election could be postponed for three months due to unforeseen circumstances, and now the government and the opposition are confident that the election will be held in October.

Although the New Zealand Election Commission has said it is ready to hold the election with strict precautionary measures, the government has postponed the election due to a lockdown in Auckland.

Auckland is the most densely populated city in the country, with a population of 5 million and millions of registered voters who are unable to exercise their voting right due to the lockdown.

Opposition parties have stated they will not run in the by-elections, but have called for the beleagured PM to resign.

It is believed that Jacinda Ardern's effective strategy against Corona will lead her party to win the election again, but it is too early to say.

It should be noted that on August 17, 9 new cases came to light in Auckland, after which the number of active corona cases in the country reached 78.

So far 1280 cases have been reported in New Zealand in which only 22 deaths have been reported and only 78 people are currently undergoing treatment.

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