Introducing robot toothbrush in seconds.

When brushing your teeth, the back teeth are often left untreated, and now an automated toothbrush has been developed as a solution to this problem.

According to media reports, in this robot brush, many small brushes reach every tooth and clean it thoroughly. While brushing our teeth, we forget the important part of the teeth, namely the gums, while this robotic toothbrush also cleans the gums well.

This brush is curved like a horse's hoof which sticks to the upper and lower teeth and cleans the whole batis deeply. The most important thing about this brush is that it is made according to the structure of the back teeth. Its small brushes also automatically remove the dirt that is stuck in the edges of the teeth. There is no need to put pressure on the brush for this, because of the back and forth system, the brush removes the meat fibers or other particles hidden in the teeth and throws them out.

There is no need to brush your teeth for a long time with this brush, it does its job perfectly in just 30 seconds. Once charged, this robot brush can brush teeth 25 times.

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