Batman, came to teach the devils a lesson.

The first official teaser trailer for the upcoming Hollywood sci-fi movie 'The Batman' has been released, featuring Robert Pattinson as 'Batman' in various costumes.

This will be the first time that Robert Pattinson will be seen playing the role of 'Batman' in the superhero detective film, before the 'Batman' series starring Christine Bell, Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton. ۔

Batman's sci-fi comic character was created in 1939 and was initially only included in books, followed by a TV series.After comic books and TV series, the role of 'Batman' was first made into a film of the same name in 1943, followed by another film of the same character in 1949.

After the success of the first two films, the third film of the same character was released in 1966, the fourth film in 1989, the fifth film in 1992, the sixth film in 1993, the seventh in 1995, the eighth in 1997 and the ninth in 2005.

The character of 'Batman' was introduced in the tenth film 'The Dark Knight' in 2008, the eleventh film of the same series in 2012, the twelfth film in 2016, the thirteenth film 'Suicide Squad' was also released in 2016.

The 14th film of 'Batman' character was released in 2017, the 15th film 'Justice League' was released in 2017 and the 16th film 'Joker' was released in 2019.Although special films were made on the character 'Batman', the character was also featured in films like 'Justice League, Dawn of Justice, Joker, Suicide Squad and Dark Knight'.

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Now 2 more films of the same character are ready for release, one of which is the main film of 'The Batman' series, while the other film 'Jack Sanders, Justice League' will also be released next year.Interestingly, Ben Affleck will play the role of Batman in 'Jack Sanders, Justice League', while Robert Pattinson will appear in action in 'The Batman'.

"The Batman" shows Robert Pattinson spying and teaching his rivals a lesson. A short trailer confirms that the film will be released next year, but does not announce a date. has been.

DC Comics of Warner Bros., the production house of 'The Batman', had already announced that due to Corona, the film will now be released in October 2021.

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