At least 56 cases of the novel Corona virus have been reported in South Korea.

At least 56 cases of the novel Corona virus have been reported in South Korea at a branch of Starbucks, an internationally known coffee maker.

Many customers at the Starbucks branch in Paju, Korea, fell victim to Code 19, due to people not using face masks and the cafe's poor ventilation system.

Surprisingly, staff at the site were not infected with the corona virus, according to local media, and experts believe the reason was that the staff used a face mask.

Medical officials said so many cases of the corona virus were caused by just one infected person sitting right next to the air-conditioning system in the cafe and from there he spread the virus particles everywhere.

The virus also spreads through contaminated surfaces of other items, including tables and door handles.

Jeong Yun-kyung, head of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), said: Air conditioners were also being used.

He added: "Even if the virus is not spread by airborne particles, it is possible to be spread by particles emitted from the mouth or nose in a narrow space, while the virus can also be spread by hand contact." 'Medical officials said the shift of four people working there was not affected by the epidemic, due to the constant use of face masks by staff during their duties.

South Korea has been more successful in controlling the corona virus epidemic than any other country, but there has been a resurgence of cases in recent weeks.

Following the increase in the rate of cases, the use of face masks has been made mandatory by the authorities while other measures of social distance are also being considered. 

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