After Oman, Bahrain also took a stand on the deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates


The announcement of a compromise on bilateral relations between the UAE and Israel has provoked a global and regional response, with the ruler of the Gulf state of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, urging the UAE's Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Talking to Nahyan on the telephone, he congratulated him on concluding an agreement with Israel.

According to Al Arabiya, he hoped that the peace agreement between the UAE and Israel would help advance peace efforts in the region. Declared He said that such agreements are in line with the aspirations of the people of the region, the establishment of relations between Israel and the UAE to advance the opportunities for peace, open new horizons of lasting peace in the Middle East, peace of the nations of the region, It will help in development and prosperity.

 Read more: "The King of Oman also supports the UAE deal," Oman announced.

The Bahraini monarch also praised US efforts to reach a "friendship agreement" between Israel and the UAE, saying Israel's renunciation of sovereignty over Palestinian territory was a significant step towards a two-state solution in the Middle East. It will help pave the way for the Palestinians and Israelis to reach a peace agreement.

On the other hand, the Crown Prince of the UAE Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan appreciated the efforts made by the Kingdom of Bahrain for the interests of the region and for the peace and security of the nations....

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