Prepared medicine to reduce body weight up to 20%

Losing weight is not easy and people resort to exercise and other methods.

But now a drug has been developed that is proving to be very effective in reducing body weight.

The results of the final phase trial of the drug tirzepatide manufactured by the American company Eli Lilly have come to light.

The obese people in the trial were given the drug for 72 weeks, which reduced their weight by an average of 23 kilograms.

The trial involved 2,539 people who weighed more than 104 kilograms at the start of the study.

All of them also had high blood pressure, high cholesterol or coronary heart disease.

These individuals were instructed to consume 500 calories throughout the day.

A quarter of the people were given placebo medication while the rest were divided into 3 groups and given 5 mg, 10 mg or 15 mg injections once a week.

At the end of the trial, people who used placebo lost an average of 2.4 percent of their body weight, while those who used 15 mg of tirzepatide lost 20 percent of their body weight.

Experts who were not part of the trial described the results as "surprising".

One such expert, Dr. Lee Kaplan, said the results were "impressive" and that the drug "apparently feels better than any other drug available at the moment".

The drug is not yet available to the general public, but after trial results, it is expected that regulators may approve its use soon.

The results of the trial were published in the medical journal New England Journal of Medicine.

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