The American man won the lottery of two million dollars with the help of mathematics

A good example of knowledge is power comes from America where a young man tried to find the winning lottery number with the help of mathematics which was successful. He then went on to win $192,941.

Jonathan Ruby of Rally, North Carolina, has taken the help of a mathematical constant. It describes the mathematical relationship between the circumference of a circle and Qatar. Its value is 3.1415.

They bought five lottery tickets for 3 dollars each based on the value of the penny, which were 3, 14, 15, 31 and 41 and they show the constantly moving numbers of the pie. In this way, he managed to win the third part of the prize of $578,000.

Earlier, 64-year-old Jonathan was working as a bartender, which made life difficult for him. However, he has a passion for mathematics and he bought tickets based on the value of his heart and succeeded.

However, a portion of the prize money will go to tax, after which they will be eligible for $137,000. Jonathan said he would pay his bills and save the rest for retirement.

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