Discovery of the lightest planet outside the solar system

Astronomers have discovered one of the lightest planets outside the solar system, which revolves around the closest star to the solar system.

This planet, called Proxima D, is about a quarter of Earth's weight. It is the third planet to appear in the Proxima Centauri system, only four light-years from Earth.

The planet orbits a star and a habitable zone. This area is the area around the sun where water may be present on the surface of the planet.

The planet orbits Proxima Centauri in just five days.

The newly discovered planet is 2.5 million miles from Proxima Centauri. Which is one tenth of the distance between Mercury, the first planet in our solar system, and the Sun.

Lead researcher Xiao Faria said the discovery shows that our immediate space neighborhood is full of exciting new worlds.

He was part of a team of astronomers who discovered Proxima D using the European Southern Observatory very large telescope in Chile.

Proxima D is thought to be a rocky planet.

The third and lightest planet in the Proxima Centauri system has been discovered orbiting the Red Dwarf planet.

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