People with corona-type delta are twice as likely to be hospitalized


People with corona delta are twice as likely to be hospitalized as those with the alpha type.

This was discovered earlier in a medical study in the United Kingdom.

The study suggested that Delta, a highly contagious type of corona, could put additional strain on medical services, especially in areas where vaccination rates are low.

The corona, first discovered in India, has been described as more contagious than the alpha, which has already appeared in the UK.

The new study highlights Delta's ability to make people more ill, especially those who have not yet been vaccinated.

For the study, researchers analyzed data from 43,338 code cases recorded in the UK between March 29 and May 22, 2021.

Of these, only 1.8% of patients had completed vaccination, 24% had used a single dose of the vaccine, while 74% had not been vaccinated.

Alpha-infected cases accounted for 2.2 percent of hospital admissions within 14 days of being diagnosed with the disease in the COD test, and 2.3 percent of delta cases.

But taking into account important factors such as age, race and vaccination status, the researchers found that delta-infected patients were 2.26 times more likely to be hospitalized than Alpha.

Experts from the Public Health England study said that the study confirms previous findings that people with delta are more likely to develop the disease than those with alpha.

"We already know that vaccinations provide tremendous protection against the delta, and it is important for everyone to use two doses of the vaccine," he said.

He said the data did not conclude the risk of Alpha or Delta-infected people being hospitalized after vaccination because the number of people fully vaccinated in the study was not high.

For this study, the genome sequences of the virus were confirmed from patient samples.

Alpha was more prevalent in the UK during the research period, with 80% of cases being the result, but in the last week of research, two-thirds of the cases were the result of Delta, and since then it has begun to spread rapidly in the UK.

Earlier, a Scottish study found that delta patients were twice as likely to be hospitalized as other types.

This new study confirms that once ill, a Delta-infected patient is more likely to be hospitalized.

The results of the study were published in the medical journal The Lancet.

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