Kabul blast kills mastermind


US drone strike in Nangarhar kills mastermind of Kabul blast Taliban fronts on the peaks, the decision to form a Taliban Congress government, 12 names under consideration, tribal leaders will also be included.

Mullah Yaqub, head of the military wing, arrived in Kabul, Sheikh Abdul Baqi Haqqani, acting minister of higher education, Bashir Ahmad Rustamzai, director of the Sports Federation, and about 5,000 Afghan refugees arrived in Italy.

Consultations in Britain and Germany for conditional recognition of the Taliban government, evacuation of France, Turkey and Britain completed, Taliban directing civilians to return weapons The risk of a terrorist attack is high.

The US military commanders have expressed concern in the briefing that the ground situation in Afghanistan is becoming very dangerous, ISIS Khurasan Kodron has been targeted, this is not the last attack while the Iranian Supreme Leader has said that relations with the Taliban will depend on their behavior.

A report released by the Pentagon on Friday states that a US drone strike on a Kabul airport had killed an ISIS plotter and his accomplice. US Central Command Capt. Bill Urban said in a statement: It was carried out in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan and there are initial indications that we hit the target and killed it.

"We know that no civilians were killed in the attack," a Pentagon official said on condition of anonymity. On the other hand, the Taliban have started advancing from different sides in Panjshir province of Afghanistan, after which the clouds of war began to hover there again.

According to reports, talks are underway between the Taliban and Panjshir Valley dignitaries and so far no breakthrough has been made. On the other hand, the Taliban have once again advanced in the Panjshir Valley Have done

According to Afghan media reports, the Taliban have claimed that militants have entered the Panjshir Valley from different directions. Amanullah, a member of the Taliban's cultural commission, said there was no resistance when entering the valley, but the Panjshir Valley. A member of the Taliban's resistance force has denied the Taliban's claims.

Muhammad Almas Zahid, a member of the resistance force's negotiating delegation, said no fighting had taken place in Panjshir and no one had entered. He added that if the talks failed, serious consequences would emerge, paving the way for war and foreign intervention.

The resistance force in Panjshir is led by Ahmed Masood, the youngest son of former jihadi commander Ahmed Shah Masood, while Ahmed Masood recently announced that he would rather die than surrender to the Taliban. It has been decided to form while consultation for the cabinet is underway.

According to the Taliban Shura member, the caretaker government will include all tribal leaders and Taliban commanders and initially 12 names are being considered. The Shura member said that appointments would be made for judiciary, internal security, foreign affairs and defense. He said that Mullah Yaqub, the head of the Taliban's military wing, had also left Kandahar for Kabul.

On the other hand, according to reports, the United States is also pushing for the inclusion of some members of the previous governments, including Hamid Karzai and Abdullah Abdullah, in the new administration.

A statement issued on social media by Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said that citizens should submit their government property, vehicles and weapons within a week. Get them to avoid any legal action.

On the other hand, Sheikh Abdul Baqi Haqqani, the acting minister of higher education, was appointed by the Taliban on Saturday as the director of Bashir Ahmad Rustamzai Sports Federation.

On the other hand, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have discussed how to deal with the Taliban once they take control of Afghanistan, the two leaders discussed in a phone call on Saturday, a British spokesman said. According to the report, the two leaders "agreed on the strategy of the G7 countries to deal with the new Afghan government."

"Accepting or contacting the Taliban should be based on the condition that they give safe passage to people who want to leave the country and respect human rights," he said.

Meanwhile, a Taliban official who was involved in peace talks with the United States said the country's borders would remain open under Taliban influence and that Afghan citizens who wanted to leave would be able to do so after the withdrawal of foreign troops.

Sher Mohammad Stanikzai said that there would be no obstacle in this regard, with authentic and legal documents, these people will be able to leave the country at any time or return.

The Ministry of Defense in the United Kingdom says that the last flight to bring back civilians from Afghanistan has departed from Kabul Airport, thus civilians The evacuation operation has been completed, but more flights will be flown in the coming days to evacuate British troops, diplomats and some Afghan refugees.

The head of the British Army, General Sir Nick Carter, says he has not been able to rescue all deserving people, which he regrets. He says hundreds of Afghans who deserve to come to Britain are still in Afghanistan.

On Friday, French Defense Minister Florence Parle said in a message that France had completed its evacuation operation from the Afghan capital, Kabul. He said France would continue to help those who need protection to leave Afghanistan.

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