Mysterious light seen in South Punjab on January 23


A mysterious light was seen in the sky on January 23 in South Punjab and it is not clear what it was. Now the position of the spokesperson of the national airline (PIA) has come to the fore.

Talking to the website, the PIA spokesperson said that the pilot of the national airline flight PK304 saw a mysterious object flying in Multan Sahiwal region on January 23 and made a video of it and submitted it as per the regulations.

According to the spokesman, flight control had no information about the matter. The matter is being investigated and it is too early to say.

It may be recalled that on January 23, the Pakistani daily first reported on the mysterious light. This light was seen very close to the moon at sunset in most of the cities of South Punjab.

At first, people used to say that there might be a balloon about this bright thing, but when the same light was seen in different cities, questions started to arise on social media about which answers have not been found yet. Some believe it was a flying saucer, but the final decision can only be made once the investigation is complete.

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