If something happens to Donald Trump, who will get the presidency?

Under US law, if the US president dies or falls ill, to whom does the president's constitutional powers go? This issue is under discussion in the United States.

The 25th Amendment to the US Constitution has been the subject of much debate since Donald Trump contracted the Corona virus. Let's take a look at some important things.

When the current president falls ill or dies suddenly, then it is certain that the powers of the American president are transferred to his vice president, the vice president of the country, according to the constitution.

If the US president suffers from a serious illness and does not relinquish his powers, then the vice president and Congress can decide together. The vice president and both houses of Congress have a two-thirds majority in favor of the president. May decide to remove.

In 1963, after the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, the question arose as to who would run the country in his place. After this situation, the Congress amended Article 25 of the US Constitution and passed it. Was

It may be recalled that when William Harrison died in 1841, the debate over who should succeed the President of the United States began.

During this time, John Taylor was the Vice President of the United States. There was a heated debate about whether he would be Vice President, President or Acting President. Meanwhile, in a hotel room, John Taylor was sworn in before an administrative judge and elected president of the United States.

Earlier, two US presidents, including George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, transferred power to their vice president under the amendment, which George W. Bush twice benefited from and Ronald Reagan benefited once.

It should be noted, however, that this amendment was never used to permanently remove a president, while the 25th Amendment was always used to empower the vice president.

Before the 25th Amendment, when the 39th Vice President of the United States, Sparrow Agnew, resigned in 1973 for non-payment of taxes, then-US President Richard Nixon nominated Gerald Ford for Vice President.

When Richard Nixon resigned a year later, Gerald Ford was elected president and nominated Nelson Rockefeller as his deputy, which was approved by Congress.

The New York Times and ABC News reported in 2018 that a year earlier, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentin had used some members of the cabinet to oust Donald Trump from the presidency.

If US President Donald Trump decides that he is no longer fit for the presidency and is not fulfilling his responsibilities, then he can voluntarily give charge to his vice president Mike Pence through the 25th Amendment.

In this case, the vice president can remain president until the president himself announces that he has recovered.

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