According to a report in Global Times, the girl said that she had taken 23 friends with her on a blind dinner date to check her lover's river Delhi. At first, everything was fine, but seeing the rising bill, her lover got nervous and decided to run away. According to the girl, when it was her turn to pay the bill after dinner, her lover had left, after which the girl had to pay the restaurant bill of 19,800 yuan (Rs. 217,828).
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Girlfriend arrives on a date with 23 friends, the bill is so high that the boyfriend ran away
Girlfriend arrives on a date with 23 friends, the bill is so high that the boyfriend ran away
9:50 PM 0
A strange case has come to light in China, in which a boyfriend took his girlfriend on a date, but escaped without paying the bill. In fact, the girl had arrived on a date with 23 other friends and her food bill came in millions, without which the boy fled. It was a blind date and before that the two were in touch only through phone and social media.
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Hafsa Saeed
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