You will be amazed at the price of the world's smallest Reuben cube


The Japanese company has created the world's smallest Reuben cube that can be played with, weighing just two grams.

According to the details, a Japanese company called Mega House Corporation has made the world's smallest usable Reuben cube which is priced at $1880, which is more than three lakh Pakistani rupees.

The company says orders for the Reebok Cube are being received and customers will be able to receive it by the end of the year.

The Japanese mega-house company has sold nearly 15 million Reuben cubes so far, but the smallest Reuben cube has emerged on the 40th anniversary of the invention, which is made of aluminum all around.

It should be noted that in 1974 Erno Reubik of Hungary made the Reuben cube under his own name and in 1980 it started to become popular all over the world.

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