Which is the largest exporter of snake skin in the world?

Indonesia has become the world's largest exporter of snake skins with dozens of factories producing snake skins.

According to foreign media reports, the princes living in the world buy bags, jackets and shoes made of snake leather with great enthusiasm which is considered as a status symbol for them as well as glamor.

In Indonesia, snake-skinning factories hunt and water thousands of snakes every week, and when the snake's skin softens, it is taken off and placed in the sun to dry.

Foreign media say that some factories also use ovens to dry the skin.

After the skin is removed, an iron rod is inserted into it so that its skin can be spread properly.

According to animal rights groups, they are being treated cruelly in order to obtain snake skins, which need to be eradicated.

Snake skins sell for up to Rs. 300,000 in Western countries, but in Indonesia, a maximum of Rs. 3,000 is paid per person for snake skins.

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