Los Angeles: The flying man suddenly came to the plane, then what happened?

Aircraft pilots often have the experience of seeing birds and drones in flight, but the pilot immediately alerted the control tower when he saw a man flying in front of him on a jet pack.

The pilot was also shocked to see a man flying 3,000 feet near Los Angeles International Airport because the man was only 300 yards from the plane, which could have caused an accident.

The pilot of a 1997 American Airlines flight from Philadelphia told air traffic control that a man was flying on a jet pack.

On which the control tower discovered that the person is to your left or to your right?

According to the foreign news agency, the pilot said that the man was 300 yards to the left of the plane. Another pilot told the control tower that he had seen the man passing by.

In this regard, the Federal Aviation Administration said that the investigation of the incident has been handed over to the Los Angeles Police Department, after which further action will be taken on this matter.

In addition, American Airlines has refused to identify the pilot, citing an investigation into the incident, and officials say F-Jet Blue officials will not comment.

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