What harm can a sedentary lifestyle do to old age?


Today, World Alzheimer's Day is being observed around the world. According to experts, living a physically inactive and sluggish life can lead to memory loss in old age.

Alzheimer's is a mental illness that is more common in people over the age of 65. In this disease, man forgets all things and relationships related to himself. According to experts, Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death.

World Alzheimer's Day is celebrated every year on September 21 to raise awareness about the disease.

According to a conservative estimate, 46 million people worldwide are currently affected by the disease, with one report claiming that by 2050, one in eight people worldwide will be infected.

Medical experts say that low blood sugar can lead to memory loss, which can lead to diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia. The disease can be prevented by keeping blood sugar levels normal.

At the same time, it is important to control blood pressure because high blood pressure can lead to a disturbance in the ratio of glucose to the brain.

Experts say that being physically active is also beneficial for the brain and can prevent memory impairment. Small brain exercises such as math exercises, verbal solving, arithmetic, memorizing things, solving puzzles also keep the brain active.

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