The Thai king returned the royal honor to the "unfaithful" female bodyguard


The 68-year-old King of Thailand, Maha Vajiralongkorn, returned the honor to a woman who was deprived of royal honors last year for "infidelity" a year later.

King Maha Vajiralongkorn had announced that his bodyguard, 35-year-old Sinnat Vingujri Pakde, would be promoted to a higher royal post in July 2019.

Later, in August 2019, he was formally conferred with the title of 'Royal Nobel Concert', which is in a way similar to the Crown, and the King confers the honor on his wife.

However, a few months later, the king removed him from office, accusing him of "infidelity".

The royal statement of her removal stated that due to the special favors of the king, the advanced military maids were ungrateful and they started conspiring after getting the royal post.

The statement used the words "unfaithful" and "enemy" to describe the female military bodyguard and said she had also insulted the king's wife.

A statement from the royal palace said that the military bodyguard had expressed displeasure over the king's wife being given the status of queen and had been "jealous" of her on various occasions.

The statement said that because of the king's kindness, the female guard who took the royal throne was jealous of the king's wife and wanted him to take her place.

The statement briefly said that due to the ungratefulness, disloyalty, jealousy and bitter attitude of the female bodyguard, her position and privileges were withdrawn from her.

But now, almost a year later, all charges against him have been dropped and he has been reinstated.

According to Reuters, a brief statement issued from the Thai royal palace on September 2 confirmed that Sunnat Wangujri Pakde had been reinstated to his royal post.

The statement confirmed that the royal decree has been in force since August 28 last month, and since then, Sennat Vingujri has returned to the Royal Nobel Consortium.

The statement also called him free from "infidelity" or "conspiracy".

Read more: King of Thailand withdraws royal title from female bodyguard for 'infidelity'

The king's female bodyguard has been reinstated at a time when protests against the king, including the government, are continuing across Thailand, and people are calling for changes to royal laws.

Although King Mahajiralongkorn became King of Thailand in 2016 after his father's death, he officially took the throne in May 2019, three years after his father's death.

Before becoming king, he was crown prince and was recognized as the crown prince of colorful temperament.

A few days after assuming the throne, he married another of his bodyguards, Sothda Ayodhya, 42, and gave her the status of queen.

He also had three marriages and seven children before marrying his own bodyguard after assuming the throne.

The King of Thailand married his first wife in 1977, which lasted for several years, and the couple had their first child in 1978.

The king's first marriage ended in divorce two decades later in 1999, after which the king married an actress.

Maha Vajiralong Korn got married for the second time in 1995 before the end of her first marriage and their marriage lasted only 2 years.

The Thai king married for the third time in 2010 and has a child with his third wife, but his third marriage ended in divorce in 2014.

Maha Vajiralong Korn's three marriages took place before he became king, while his fourth marriage took place a few days before he became king and ascended the throne.

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