Speaking on a program on private channel Sama News, Abdul Ghafoor Haideri said that General Bajwa invited us to meet before the Independence March and we were told not to march for independence, we were told to let Imran Khan's government run. Don't interfere in what we are doing against Nawaz Sharif. When Abdul Ghafoor Haideri was asked to explain Nawaz Sharif's statement, he said that it was told to us by Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa.
Senator Abdul Ghafoor Haideri says that we had told Bajwa at that time that we do not demand the resignation of Imran Khan, we demand that you leave the support of the government.
It may be recalled that earlier there were reports of meetings between Muhammad Zubair and other PML-N leaders with the Army Chief. Sheikh Rashid also claimed that Maulana Fazlur Rehman had met the Army Chief.