Speaking at a press conference at the National Press Club Islamabad, Zaneesh Khan said that a Danish man named Mian Tariq Javed, a former PTI official there, had set up an organization there called the Pakistani Overseas Community. In 2014, he opened a bank account in the name of Shaukat Khanum with the connivance of his brother Mian Abid. However, he was expelled from the party by the PTI leadership after filing a complaint. Zaneesh Khan further said that petitions should be filed against him in various forums but the accused could not be heard anywhere due to his influence. He was found guilty. The accused started campaigning against me on social media and took personal photos of me and my family from Facebook and started making them viral by making posters in a very dirty and embarrassing way and at the same time started threatening me. Stop speaking against me and withdraw all the cases against me, otherwise I will make you and your whole family a warning sign, on which I applied to the FIA against him but no case has been registered against him yet.
He further said that at the behest of Mian Tariq Javed during his appearance in Sessions Court Lahore, a group of thirty to thirty five lawyers publicly tortured him and tore his clothes while the police did not try to stop him despite being on the spot. An inquiry has been ordered from the Governor House on my request to the Governor of Punjab. The Lahore High Court has issued an order against Mian Tariq Javed. He demanded from the Prime Minister Imran Khan that a Pakistan free from corruption is the slogan of his party but the life of an unarmed woman has been made unbearable by pointing out financial corruption in the name of his own party and Shaukat Khanum. Give and give us justice.