Taiwan: The baby flew in the air during the Kite Festival.

 Accidents can happen at any time and steps are taken to avoid and stay safe.

But that didn't happen in Taiwan when a girl tied a kite during a festival and flew 100 feet into the air.

A three-year-old girl and her parents attended a kite festival in Sancho, Taiwan.

Big kites were being flown at the festival while people were enjoying them.

However, at the same time, a girl tied one of them with a kite and started flying in the air and after about 100 feet, she came to the ground.

In the viral video on social media, it can be seen that the girl was flying in the air with this kite.

As the girl began to fall to the ground, some people there tried to catch her, but she also suffered some injuries.

The girl was rushed to a hospital and was reported to be out of danger.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Sancho city apologized to the affected family and the festival was closed after the incident.

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