Clashes between India and China starts again.

Border clashes between India and China resumed in Gulwan Valley.

Clashes took place south of Pengong Tsu Lake after a clash between India and China in the Gloucester Valley.

According to the Indian government, the Chinese forces violated the previous agreement and the Chinese army made another attempt to change the current situation on the border. When the Chinese army advanced with weapons on the southern shore of Lake Pengong, the Indian army tried to repel them but failed.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has denied India's allegations. The Chinese Foreign Ministry says China strictly adheres to the border military line of actual control.

Indian media claim that the Indian army has now strengthened its position in the area from where the Chinese army tried to infiltrate.

It should be noted that on June 15, Chinese troops had made a similar incursion into the Gulwan Valley during which 20 Indian soldiers were killed in violent clashes.

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