Sushant never talked about being depressed.

KK Singh, the father of the late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh, has said that Sushant never talked to him about his depression. Sushant's father said this in a statement to the Mumbai police.

According to the Indian newspaper, Sushant Singh's father says that he did not ask anyone and did not talk to anyone about it after his son's death because he feels that he has failed him regarding his son. Happened

Sushant Singh's father further said in his statement that Sushant came home to Patna on May 13, 2019 when there was a function in the house. And he met me. The ceremony was scheduled to take place on May 15, and he did not appear to be suffering from any kind of stress or mental disorder. He returned to Mumbai the next day, May 16.

He said that he used to send messages to Sushant on WhatsApp and Sushant used to reply to him, I did not call him because he was very busy with his work.

However, Sushant used to call and we used to gossip. He used to ask that there was no need for anything, during which time whenever he was asked how he was, his answer was that he was fine.

KK Singh further said that on June 7, 2020, Sushant called me and I told him that it has been a year since he came to Patna, and I told him to come if he feels like it, to which he replied Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. And on June 14, 2020, between two and a half and two and a half in the afternoon, I was sitting at my house in Patna when I found out through the television news that Sushant had committed suicide by hanging from a ceiling fan.

After which I lost consciousness, later I flew to Mumbai with my nephew Neeraj Singh and relatives the next day, and we performed his last rites in Mumbai that evening.

He said that after that he reached Sushant's flat which he had rented in Bandra. I had no concerns or complaints about Sushant, I think Sushant committed suicide in a world of despair.

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