Relations with Israel cannot be established until Palestine's independence: King Salman bin Abdulaziz


King Salman bin Abdulaziz has said that Saudi Arabia will not follow in the footsteps of the UAE until Israel signs an internationally recognized peace agreement with the Palestinians.

According to the details, after the UAE's peace agreement with Israel, a telephone conversation took place between King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia and US President Donald Trump in which the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was discussed.

The two leaders discussed issues of mutual interest and the global situation in detail, with President Trump welcoming Saudi Arabia to open its airspace for flights between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz made it clear to President Trump that Saudi Arabia's relations with Israel would not return to normal until an independent Palestinian state was established.

King Salman told US President Donald Trump that his country supports a just solution to the Palestinian problem. He said that this condition of resolving the conflict would be the starting point of the Arab peace plan proposed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Strive for a long-term and just solution to bring peace.

The phone call between Saudi and US leaders comes at a time when the UAE last month became the third Arab country to recognize Israel and establish diplomatic relations with it, followed by Egypt and Jordan. Has established state relations with Israel.

Last week, Saudi Arabia allowed all flights from the UAE to pass through the country's airspace, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered direct flights from Israel to the UAE. Announced the start.

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