Foods that help prevent cancer


Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world at the moment, which can be cured but it can be very painful and even if the cancer is diagnosed in the early stages.

Stage III or later treatment makes recovery almost impossible, while the current lifestyle is making people more susceptible to the disease.

A report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer stated that in 2018, there were 18.1 million new cases of cancer, of which 9.6 million died.

The World Health Organization says that one in six deaths is due to some form of cancer, and that cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide.

Your diet plays an important role in preventing or preventing cancer.

Numerous foods are rich in beneficial compounds that help slow the spread of cancer.

Similarly, excessive consumption of certain foods is considered to be effective in reducing the risk of this deadly disease.


Numerous research reports have found that eating carrots reduces the risk of certain types of cancer.

For example, an analysis of 5 research reports found that eating carrots can reduce the risk of gastric cancer by 26%.

Another study found that eating this vegetable reduced the risk of developing bladder cancer by 18%.

A study of the eating habits of 1,266 healthy people with lung cancer found that smokers who did not like to eat carrots had a three-fold higher risk of lung cancer than others. Is.

After all, carrots are a healthy vegetable that can be part of the diet for good health.


Seeds are high in fiber and some research reports suggest they may help protect against bowel cancer.

A study of nearly 2,000 people with a history of bowel cancer found that people who are accustomed to eating cooked dried seeds have a lower risk of recurrence of the tumor.

A study of animals found that eating them reduced the risk of developing colon cancer cells in mice by 75%.


Cinnamon is known for its medical benefits that help lower blood sugar and inflammation.

Some test tubes and animal research reports have discovered that cinnamon may help prevent cancer cells from spreading.

In a test tube study (a study on a glass bottle instead of humans or animals), it was discovered that cinnamon extract has the ability to slow down the spread of cancer cells and kill them.

Another test tube study found that cinnamon oil can suppress head and throat cancer cells and significantly reduce the size of tumors.

Animal studies have shown that cinnamon extract can kill tumor cells.

Consumption of 2 to 4 grams of cinnamon in the daily diet can be useful for protection against cancer and other benefits such as lowering blood sugar levels and inflammation.

However, more research is needed on its effects on cancer protection in humans.


Medical research has shown a link between eating nuts and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.

For example, a study of the eating habits of more than 19,000 people found that eating large amounts of nuts reduced the risk of dying from cancer.

Another study looked at more than 30,000 people over a 30-year period and found that regular consumption of nuts reduced the risk of bubble, colorectal and endometrial cancer.

Other research reports have found that certain types of nuts are more helpful in reducing the risk of cancer.

An animal study found that the use of walnuts in mice reduced the growth rate of breast cancer cells by 80% and the number of tumors by 60%.

Simply put, adding a small amount of almonds, walnuts or other nuts to your daily diet can reduce your risk of developing cancer in the future.

Olive Oil 

Olive oil is considered to be very beneficial for health and several research reports have found that excessive use of olive oil can potentially protect against cancer.

An analysis of 19 research reports found that people who consume large amounts of olive oil have a lower risk of breast and digestive cancer.

Another study found that countries that consume more olive oil also have lower rates of colorectal cancer.

Further research is needed to examine the direct effects of olive oil on cancer.


The benefits of turmeric have been mentioned for centuries, especially its curcumin has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cancer effects.

One study looked at the effects of this ingredient in 44 patients whose colonic lesions were cancerous, using 4 grams of this ingredient daily for 30 days reduced the wounds by 40%.

A test tube study found that this special ingredient in turmeric significantly reduces the rate of colon cancer cell proliferation by targeting enzymes that are linked to cancer growth.

This component has also been shown to be effective in slowing the growth of lung, breast and bladder cancer cells in test tube research reports.

So making one to three grams of turmeric a part of your diet daily can help protect against cancer and if you add black pepper, its absorption capacity will be much better.

Sour fruit

Consumption of sour fruits such as malt, grapefruit and lemon can also help reduce the risk of cancer.

One study found that people who are accustomed to eating large amounts of sour fruit have a lower risk of digestive and upper respiratory tract cancer.

Another study found that high consumption of these fruits reduces the risk of bubble cancer.

Another study found that eating these fruits at least 3 times a week reduced the risk of gastric cancer by 28%.

That is, consuming a small amount of these fruits every week can protect against certain types of cancer.


In addition to being rich in fiber, they are also useful for heart health and some research reports have shown that they are also helpful in slowing down the growth of cancer and eliminating cancerous cells.

In a study of 32 women with breast cancer, they were fed a muffin or placebo (a harmless substance given as medicine) for a month.

At the end of the study, it was discovered that in the linseed group, the growth of tumors was reduced while the rate of cell death was increased.

Another study of 161 patients with bladder cancer found that flaxseed reduced the growth and spread of cancerous cells.

Adding 10 grams of flaxseed powder daily to the diet can be helpful in this regard.


Lycopene, an ingredient in tomatoes, has the ability to fight cancer.

Numerous research reports have found that increasing the use of lycopene and tomatoes reduces the risk of meningitis.

An analysis of 17 research reports found that eating raw or cooked tomatoes reduced the risk of bladder cancer.

A study of more than 47,000 people found similar results.

It is best to add one or two tomatoes to your diet daily to protect against cancer.


Allicin, an ingredient in garlic, has been found to help kill cancer cells in several test tube research reports.

Numerous research reports have also found a link between the use of garlic and the reduction in the risk of certain types of cancer.

A study of nearly half a million people found that people who ate more spicy vegetables, such as garlic, onions, etc., had a lower risk of gastric cancer than others.

Similarly, a study of 471 men found that excessive consumption of garlic can reduce the risk of bladder cancer.

Another study found that people who ate a lot of garlic as well as fruits, yellow vegetables, green leafy vegetables and onions had a lower risk of developing colorectal cancer tumors. The study did not examine the effects of garlic separately.

Considering these results, consuming 2 to 5 grams of garlic daily can be beneficial for health.


Some research reports suggest that eating a small amount of fish each week may reduce the risk of cancer.

One study found that overcooking fish reduced the risk of gastrointestinal cancer.

Another study of more than 478,000 people found that eating more fish reduced the risk of colorectal cancer, while red and processed meats increased the risk.

Rabies in particular are more useful in reducing the risk of cancer due to the presence of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

Remember that adequate levels of vitamin D help protect the body from cancer.

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