Defamation of Pakistan Army is part of Indian conspiracy, PML-N promotes Indian agenda

Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that defaming the Pakistan Army before the UN General Assembly is part of the Indian conspiracy and the PML-N has once again promoted India's agenda.

According to private TV  News, a meeting of party and government spokespersons was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Imran Khan. In the meeting, the government has decided to give a full response to the opposition's resolution. Sources said that Shibli Faraz, Asad Umar and Fawad Chaudhry will take a government stand on the resolution of the All Parties Conference. Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the nation is aware of the faces sitting in the APC and their personal goals. All these will come together for their own interests, the opposition APC was an attempt to discredit the state institutions, criticism of the opposition institutions is an attempt to divert attention from its corruption, all the institutions of the country work within their limits. have been.

Also read this: Institutions should take notice of Nawaz Sharif's speech.

The Prime Minister said that an entire lobby abroad is active against the Pakistan Army, India wants to divert the world's attention from Kashmir before the General Assembly session, including instability in Pakistani institutions and the country, to defame the Pakistan Army before the UN meeting. Part of the Indian conspiracy, the PML-N has once again promoted the Indian agenda, and once again the fugitive sitting in London is defaming the country's institutions, Nawaz Sharif's speech and the news published in the Times of India is an agenda. After his speech, Indian media is spewing poison against Pakistani institutions.

The Prime Minister said that Pakistan's armed forces are the guarantor of national security. Whenever any calamity befell the country, the army sided with its people. Countries like Libya, Iraq and Syria were destroyed due to weak army.

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