China will respond to new US diplomatic sanctions.


China has warned the United States that sanctions on its diplomats will be met with appropriate and necessary response.

According to the International News Agency, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chenying reacted strongly to the US ban on Chinese diplomats seeking permission from the Foreign Ministry before visiting universities or meeting with officials. China will respond fully to unwarranted sanctions on its ambassadors.

Spokeswoman Hua Chenyang added that the ban on Chinese diplomats informing and seeking permission from the US State Department before visiting universities and educational institutions in the United States is a serious violation of international law and fundamental principles of international relations.

Earlier, the US Secretary of State had banned Chinese ambassadors from visiting the United States on unauthorized visits to the United States, saying the sanctions were imposed after China banned US diplomats from seeking approval before visiting universities in China.

A spokesman for the US embassy in Beijing also said that US ambassadors' requests for permission to visit universities were either permanently rejected or rejected at the last minute.

Tensions between China and the United States began as soon as President Trump took office, but tensions have risen since last year and the two countries are tightening sanctions on each other.

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