After Jacob Blake another black is killed.


US police have shot dead another black man, adding to tensions over racism and police brutality.

 According to the French news agency 'AFP', the police said that the deceased had a gun which he had thrown during a violent discussion in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Also Read This: Black lives matter.

According to local media, 29-year-old Dajon Kezi was riding his bicycle when Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies tried to stop him on Monday (August 31) afternoon for violating an unspecified vehicle code.

Police said he fled on foot in an attempt to stop them, and when officers caught him, he punched a deputy in the face and dropped some of the clothes the man was carrying.

Lt. Brendan Dean told reporters that deputies noticed a black semi-automatic gun inside the clothes that fell from the black man's hand and that the deputy police officer had fired at him at the time.

However, it is not clear if the man was trying to pull out a gun when he was shot.

Brendan Dean said authorities have to interview all deputies involved in the incident.

During a televised press conference, a reporter asked if the victim had a gun in his hand, had already fallen to the ground, and was unarmed when he was shot.

Also Read This: Black protest a person's death, killed 2 persons.

Brendan Dean replied: "I don't know. If the man was trying to carry a semi-automatic rifle, I think lethal force was used at that moment."

Lt. Brendan Dean said the black man was pronounced dead at the scene.

According to local media, more than 100 people had gathered to demand justice for the black man just hours after the shooting.

"What's the point of having a prison system if you're all just going to kill us?" One woman cried to a CBS News reporter.

"Why are you (police) here?" He asked. Who are you protecting?

The latest killing came as US President Donald Trump was on his way to Wisconsin on Tuesday (September 1), where police shot Jacob Blake, a black man, seven times in the back on August 23, leaving him paralyzed. On May 25, police in the US state of Minnesota arrested George Floyd on suspicion of using counterfeit currency notes, where he died in custody.

The video of the citizen's arrest shows police officers strangling him, while George Floyd can be heard saying he can't breathe.

After the death of George Floyd, there were protests across the United States against the murder of a black man.

Later, on September 20, a black man was killed by police in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

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