A young boy called a Muslim girl under the pretext of submitting an assignment and raped her, gritted her teeth and then ... Extremely heartbreaking details came to light

In the Indian state of Jharkhand, a Muslim girl was raped and killed under the pretext of submitting a university assignment. According to Indian media, a young man named Prince Yadav called a Muslim girl under the pretext of submitting an assignment. When the girl reached Prince Yadav, there were other companions present. Prince Yadav raped the girl and poisoned her, killing her. The accused hanged the body to paint the murder as suicide.

On the other hand, when the girl who was going to submit the assignment did not reach home, her family members contacted the police who found her body the next day. During the investigation, it was revealed that the victim was severely tortured and nailed in her teeth before being killed.

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