A Saudi girl with a birth defect has set a new example of courage.


A young girl who lost her hands in Saudi Arabia has set a new example of courage and fortitude. She is not only an expert swimmer and painter, but also helps her mother with household chores.

According to the Saudi website, the young Saudi girl, who was born without hands, not only mastered swimming but also made beautiful drawings on the strength of her courage and fortitude without taking into account her physical disability.

Abdul Aziz, a young girl from Tarafa, is born with no hands, but her ideal mental abilities do not allow her to feel physically handicapped. Despite losing both hands, Tarafa does everything easily with her mother.

In a Saudi TV program, Tarafa said that she not only serves coffee to the guests who come to her house, but also helps them with her mother in the kitchen.

The girl's father said that when his wife told him that she had a special interest in side swimming, to fulfill her passion, she enrolled certain people in a swimming training institute where she spent a lot of time pursuing her hobby. Quickly mastered swimming.

The father further said that his daughter is born with a disability but she never made this disability her weakness but always tried to do everything like normal children for which we thank God.

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