A blow to India on the Ladakh front, China took control of a large area.

India has suffered a major setback on the Ladakh front. Indian intelligence has acknowledged that China has gained control of an area of ​​1,000 square kilometers along the Line of Actual Control.

According to details, despite talks between India and China, border tensions have persisted for the past four months, but an Indian intelligence report has sounded the alarm for the Modi government.

The Indian newspaper has revealed that according to intelligence information, an area of ​​about one thousand square kilometers of Ladakh along the Line of Actual Control is currently under Chinese control.

According to the newspaper, China has been consolidating its military along the Line of Actual Control since April. Sixty-five square kilometers of the lake and twenty square kilometers in Choshal are also under Chinese control.

Fresh clashes erupted south of Pengong Tsu Lake after a clash in the Gulwan Valley, with India accusing China of violating the border, but the Chinese Foreign Ministry has denied India's allegations, saying the Chinese border is a military line of action. Strict adherence to control, negotiations are underway between the two countries to reduce tensions.

It may be recalled that 20 Indian soldiers were killed and 74 others were injured in a clash with Chinese forces violating the Line of Actual Control of Indian forces in Gulwan area of ​​Ladakh.

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