What is the benefit of keeping car keys in the fridge?

You may be using a refrigerator to prevent food spoilage, but you may be surprised to learn that you can also use the refrigerator to protect your car from modern day thieves.

According to a report in Mail Online, the thieves have adopted a strategy of stealing 'Keyless' vehicles equipped with the latest technology by standing near the house and receiving the key with the help of a device. The hackers hack the signal and then use a transmitter to pass it to the thief standing near the vehicle, whose transmitter receives the signal and unlocks the vehicle.

Auto experts have revealed that if you keep the car keys in the fridge, the signal coming from them cannot be hacked. In that case, the hackers cannot succeed because they fail to unlock the hacking device. You can also put the keys in the microwave instead of in the fridge as this is equally effective in blocking the signal.

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