Some people recover from the coronavirus and lose their hair faster.

Many people around the world who have been cured of the coronavirus have complained that their hair is falling out too fast, but doctors have described it as a temporary condition.

Many men and women, including those in the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe, have said that although they have been freed from the clutches of Code 19, they have lost their hair for a month or two and are suffering from baldness. On the other hand, doctors have described it as a psychological condition called 'telogen effluvium' in which hair is lost due to stress caused by a trauma or disease.

Doctors insist the condition is temporary and may return to normal in a few weeks. However, he said that some people may continue to lose hair for a long time. There have been several groups on Facebook about this condition, in which people recovering from code 19 are exchanging their conditions. Many people in this group have also complained of hair loss.
Patients of all ages have complained about hair loss and there is no age limit.

According to doctors, telogen effluvium causes three times more hair loss than usual and corona patients can be attacked three months later. If the series continues for six months, half the hair on the head may disappear. Doctors advise him to be patient and thankful after healing from Corona so that stress does not overwhelm him.

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