US helicopters strike Syrian army checkpoint.

In Syria, two US helicopters hit a military post, killing one officer and wounding two others.

According to the International News Agency, the US troops on patrol wanted to enter the northwestern part of Syria, but they were stopped by the Syrian army at a check post, on which both sides exchanged fire.

According to a Syrian army spokesman, two US Air Force helicopters attacked the military checkpoint after the incident, killing one Syrian army officer and wounding two others.

The clashes between Syrian and US forces took place near a Kurdish-administered city. In Syria, the US-backed Democratic Forces have a monopoly on fighting the Kurds, but in some areas the Kurds and the government Under the peace agreement, Syrian army checkpoints have been set up.

There has been no reaction from the United States to the incident, which the Syrian government has described as the result of a misunderstanding and a lack of an effective information exchange system.

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