Russia's minister has contracted the coronavirus.

Russia's energy minister, Alexander Zander, has succumbed to the norovir virus.

According to the details, the Russian news agency Interfax, quoting the Prime Minister Mikhail Michelston, said that the Corona test of Energy Minister Alex Zander Novak has come positive.

No government statement or explanation has yet been released regarding the minister's coronation.

Earlier, several senior Russian officials recovered from an epidemic, including Prime Minister Mikhail Mykston, who contracted the coronavirus in April this year.

The Russian government is trying its best to take into account the situation. President Vladimir Putin has claimed that the country has developed the world's first corona vaccine.

It should be noted that the coronavirus caused devastation all over the world and also caused severe damage to Russia. Millions of cases of coronavirus have been reported in the country while thousands of deaths have also occurred.

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