Postmortem report of Shant Singh Rajput released.


Sushant Singh Rajput, a young Bollywood actor who committed suicide, is constantly coming up with new revelations while the CBI is investigating the matter from all angles. Yesterday, the CBI released the post-mortem report of Sushant.

According to Indian media reports, the CBI has started investigating Sushant Singh's suicide case. Meanwhile, a seven-page post-mortem report of Sushant Singh has come out yesterday, which was written by a team of five doctors. According to the post-mortem report released by the police, Sushant had 33 cm deep scars on his neck, his tongue was not sticking out and his teeth were perfectly fine while there were no injuries on his body.

Read more: The CBI investigation has uncovered several new aspects in the Sushant's case

According to the report, Sushant's eyelids were partially open and no bone in any part of his body was broken. In addition, there was no foam or blood oozing from his mouth or ears, all of Sushant's internal organs were intact. The post-mortem report said that Sushant's neck was 49.5 cm in circumference, 33 cm below the throat. The mark was long and deep, while the rope mark was 8 cm below the bone.

The thickness of the mark on the right side of Sushant's throat was one centimeter while the thickness of the mark on the left side of the throat was 3.5 cm. However, the post-mortem report did not mention the death. In this regard, Vikas Singh, lawyer of Sushant's father, said that why the time of his death is not mentioned in the report?

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"This is the most important part of the report," he said. He drank juice and coconut water before his death, but there is no mention of it in Sushant's post-mortem report, while juice and coconut water will be in his stomach.

Lawyer Vikas Singh has claimed that there is something wrong with Sushant's post-mortem report. There was no tool or table in his room so how did he commit suicide. The CBI has enlisted the help of specialist doctors in Delhi in this regard but the biggest question is why the time of death is not mentioned in the post-mortem report.

Vikas Singh, counsel for Sushant's father KK Singh, further said that the post-mortem was not done properly or the report was not written properly. He expressed confidence that everything would be clear in the CBI probe

Read more : Sushant's neighbor saw a strange thing that night.

According to Indian media reports, a CBI team had also visited a Mumbai hospital two days ago where Sushant's autopsy was conducted. The CBI team had met the dean of the hospital and said the officers would also meet the doctors who performed the autopsy.

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