Mahathir Mohammad view point about peace deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel


Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad has said that the United Arab Emirates has committed a dangerous act of stupidity by recognizing Israel. As a result of the UAE's recognition of Israel, the Muslim world will be at odds with each other.

Read more: Pakistan will not recognize Israel," the prime minister said bluntly

According to the Pakistani daily Palestine Information Center, in an interview, Mahathir Mohammad said that the UAE's friendship with Israel will result in a split in the Muslim world. In this way, the Zionist enemy will give the Muslims a chance to add fuel to the fire of each other's massacre. The UAE has taken a step that will cause the Muslim world to become entangled with each other and the Muslim countries to lose their peace. The move would give Israel a chance to strengthen its hold on Palestine.

Read more:'Historic peace agreement' between Israel and UAE.

The reaction of the Palestinians and the sympathizers of the Palestinian nation to the UAE's agreement with Israel shows that the ongoing confrontation in the Middle East will continue.

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