LG Introduces Battery Powered Air Purifying Face Mask.

The use of face masks has been made mandatory in most parts of the world to prevent code 19 from the new corona virus, and South Korean company LG has introduced an air purifying mask.

The face mask will be unveiled by LG at the scheduled IFA Technology Exhibition in Berlin next week.

LG has added 2 standard hepa filters to this face mask that removes 99.97% of the particles in the air.

The company has not announced the availability date and price, but details of the device have been released.

The mask comes with 2 fans with 820 mAh battery power filters and the battery lasts for 2 hours on high usage and up to 8 hours on low usage.

According to the company, with 2 wings, this wearable air purifier provides clean and filtered air to the customers, the speed of the wings can be changed as per their choice.

The mask will come with a case that will charge the battery as well as sterilize it with the help of UV lights.

The company did not specify how effective the device would be against the Corona virus compared to other common face masks.

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