Facebook made a mistake: Mark Zuckerberg admits.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has admitted to making the mistake of delaying the removal of a violent post.

According to the details, a week after the violent protests that took place after the shooting of Jacob Blake by the American police, the CEO of Facebook admitted the mistake of delaying the removal of the page of the militia group.

Mark Zuckerberg said violent protests erupted after Jacob Blake was shot, after which people were lured through a page of a militia group.

He did not apologize for the mistake, saying Facebook had not yet received any evidence that the Kenosha Guard page or members of the armed militia had incited the public to violence.

Mark Zuckerberg said in a video shared on Facebook that the Keonosha Guard page violated Facebook's policies and was liked by many people.

It should be noted that in recent weeks, Facebook has adopted new guidelines to remove or ban the posts of these groups, which has raised public concern.

The major social media company has acknowledged that Facebook could be misused during the US presidential election in November this year, which requires caution.

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