Diseases that appear on the skin.

The skin is the largest organ of the human body but did you know that it also predicts diseases?

Yes, the first signs of some diseases appear on the skin.

But are you aware of the symptoms that the skin shows for various diseases?

It is commonly believed that this disease, called bursitis, is a reaction to drinking milk after eating fish, but medical science denies this. In fact, it occurs when the skin is exposed to its natural The pigment cells stop producing specific pigments. The appearance of prominent white spots on the skin is actually an attack on the skin cells by the body's immune system, which is on the skin pigment melanin. It can also be a sign of autoimmune diseases such as thyroid disease.

Inflammation of the skin
Dry, itchy and red marks on the skin usually appear near the neck or elbows. It is a very common skin disease that can affect both children and adults, but it can also be a sign of mental health problems. According to a US study, people with depression or stress are more likely to develop the disease early, but treating dermatitis also improves mental health.

Open wound
Prolonged high blood sugar can affect blood circulation and damage nerves, affecting the body's ability to heal wounds, especially in the legs, which can lead to diabetes. Also called fistula.

In this skin disease, peels appear on the skin and itching and itching, but they are also pointing to some serious medical problems. According to medical experts, people with this condition have a 58% higher risk of heart disease and a 43% higher risk of stroke. Experts say that psoriasis and blood clots in the arteries are caused by inflammation and this thing connects the two.

Pink grain or uniform
The disease causes the skin to turn red and pink rashes appear, most people do not treat it because they do not consider it harmful, but a new study found that the condition increased the risk of dementia in women by 28%. Gives, especially if the age is over 50 or 60 years.

Legs with dry and cracked skin
This can be a sign of problems with the thyroid gland, especially when it is useless to take care of the moisture in the feet. When there is a problem in the thyroid gland, it is unable to produce thyroid hormones which work for metabolic rate, blood pressure, muscle development and nervous system. According to a medical study, the skin becomes extremely dry as a result of thyroid problems, especially the skin of the feet, and it is beneficial to see a doctor if the condition does not improve.

Sweat in hands
Excessive sweating on the hands can lead to thyroid disease as well as excessive sweating, in which the sweat glands become more active. Most people have this problem in one or two parts of the body such as the armpits, palms or feet. Doctors can examine it and prescribe treatment.

Black lump or mole
Very prominent black moles or bumps can usually be a sign of skin cancer, while they also increase the risk of breast cancer, bladder and kidney cancer. According to experts, walking less in the sun, staying active, healthy diet and staying away from alcohol are essential to avoid such deadly cancers.

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