Bill Gates points out another deadly threat during the Corona virus epidemic.


The sight of sharks is terrifying, especially if they are moving towards you with their mouths open, but one of the richest people in the world, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is frightened by the sight of a seemingly insignificant insect. Does.

The founders of Microsoft want to remind the world that although the Corona virus epidemic is spreading everywhere, the mosquito is still the leading cause of death.

On August 17, in his Gates blog, Bill Gates announced the celebration of Mosquito Week, during which the death of this insect will be clarified through various videos and articles.

Bill Gates said that every night these small worms infect millions of people with malaria, a disease that kills one child every other minute.

"Mosquitoes don't practice social distance, they don't even wear masks," said Bill Gates. Not doing

He added that most malaria deaths occur in the world's poorest countries.

He noted that the corona virus epidemic has severely affected malaria prevention and treatment facilities, leading to a significant increase in deaths.

Eradication of malaria has long been a priority for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and a strategy is being worked out.

A few years ago, Bill Gates shared a graph of the number of people killed by various animals in 2015, which showed that sharks caused only six deaths worldwide, while mosquitoes killed 830,000.

According to Bill Gates, "Mosquitoes are like a hypodermic needle that bypasses the body's immune system and transmits the disease directly into the bloodstream, resulting in many viruses invading humans." Growing fast. "

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