"After the United Arab Emirates, another Arab country is likely to establish relations with Israel


Israel and the United Arab Emirates have reached an agreement on relations, which has been condemned by Turkey and Iran, but now Jared Kishner, the son-in-law of the US president, has claimed that after the UAE, another Arab country Relations with Israel are likely to be established.

Jared Kishner, the son-in-law and adviser to US President Donald Trump and a White House adviser, said in a statement that the ice between Israel and the UAE had melted and that more countries would do the same. Establish relations with Israel, of course other countries are in the same line. According to Israeli media reports, the next country to establish relations with the Zionist state will be Bahrain.

Today, the Pakistani nation is celebrating the 74th Independence Day with great enthusiasm

US National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien said it would not be a surprise if President Trump were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on the issue. He also said in a statement that he hoped more Arab and Muslim countries would join him. He said that if he won the re-election, he would make a new deal with Iran in 30 days.

It is to be noted that a peace agreement was reached between the UAE and Israel yesterday to establish bilateral relations. Under the agreement, Israel will no longer integrate the Palestinian territories and the two countries will work out a roadmap for bilateral relations.

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